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We also install the kits you have purchased, whether they come from our partners or not.

A small selection of available channels

ab1 ab3 AB4 arte clubrtl direct8 directstar france2hd france3 france4 france5 la deux la une latrois lci nt1 plugrtl rtltvi tf1 tv5monde ardhd_a artehd_a france2hd la une mtvnhd natgeowild rtltvi servushd_a tf1 zdfhd_a action cinefx cinepolar tcm dorceltv hustlertv manx xxl animaux chasseetpeche encyclopedia escales france0 histoire2 libertytv natgeo natgeowild planete stylia toutelhistoire ushuai vivolta voyage boomerang canalj cartoonnetwork disney disney1 disneyjunior disneyxd gulli june ketnet manga nickelodeon piwi teletoon teletoon1 tiji vtmkzoom classic mcmpop mcmtop mtvdance mtvfrance mtvidol mtvmusic mtvnhd mtvpulse mtvrocks 2be acht canvas een jim kanaalz ketnet ned1 ned2 ned3 vh1 vijftv vitaya vt4 vtm abmoteur espn eurosport eurosportd_a raisport1_a raisport2_a 5-USA-Channel-logo-for-TV-Guide-88x65- 5star-Channel-logo-for-TV-Guide-88x65- 5star1-Channel-logo-for-TV-Guide--88x65- 88x65_B4U_Music 5USA1Channel-logo-for-TV-Guide--88x65- 88x65_channel_movies4men 88x65_clubland_tv 88x65_channel_movies4men2 AlJazzera 88x65_zing bbc-four bbc-one BBC-One-HD bbcalba bbchd BBCNews BBCParliment bbcthree bbctwo bet bet1 Bliss bloomberg_tv CBS-Reality1 cbsaction cbsreality CCTV-logo-77x56 channel-4 Channel-4-HD Channel-5-Channel-logo-for-TV-Guide--88x65- channel41 Chartshow CNBC CNN DayStar E4 e41 film4 film41 Five Flava food_network__1 food-network-UK-Channel-logo-for-TV-guide--77x56 Gems-TV-extra God_Channel horror-channel horror1 informationTV INI-logo-for-TV-Guide-88x65- islam ITV1_1 ITV1-HD-logo-for-the-bottom-of-page-88x65- ITV1-logo-for-the-bottom-of-page-88x65- ITV2--1-logo--88x65- ITV2-logo-for-the-bottom-of-page-88x65- itv3 itv4 itv41 Massive-RB men-and-movies More4-1-Channel-logo-for-TV-Guide-88x65- more4-logo-for-TV-Guide88x65- Movies-4-Men-1-Channel-logo-for-TV-Guide-88x65- Movies-4-Men2-1-Channel-logo-for-TV-Guide-88x65- NHK-HD-Channel-logo-77x56 ocean-tv psychic-today-Channel-logo-for-TV-Guide--88x65- renault-tv revelation russiatoday s4c s4c_two Scuzz-logo showcasetv SonLife-Channel-logo-for-channel-page- the-vault true-entertainment true-movies1 true-movies2 UMP-Movies--logo-for-TV-Guide--88x65- Vintage-TV-logo-for-TV-guide--77x56 WeddingTV best_shopping bfm-business

And a few hundreds more TV and radio channels…
Nothing was left to chance. Recommendations, advice, installation and programming. All was perfect. Thanks again.
Hugues Delfosse, Lasne
I am thrilled to warmly recommend Prosatel for the quality of their service.
Marc Vaneberg, Uccle
The absolute precision of a well done job is the main advantage of Prosatel. I will talk about you. Thanks.
Chems Zekknini, Etterbeek
This is my 3rd time having a complete satellite TV system installed. The first 2 times were disastrous. Prosatel has been recommended by a friend and I wasn't deceived. It's good to see that all the installers are not charlatans.
Michel Legros, Ixelles
Within the day that followed the order, the installation began in the whole building. Amazing job. Perfect audio and image quality. Service and friendly attitude.
Charles Michaux, gérant d'immeubles à Bruxelles
Unlike other previous experiences, the installation of the dish was perfectly done and so was the advice offered.
Johan Simpson, Etterbeek